Thursday, December 9, 2010

An apology is in order

To anyone who actually bothers to check and read this, I'm sorry if I've kept you waiting. With the new call of duty game, I've been quite busy. And by busy I mean I've been pretty much doing that and nothing else. So let me try to recap all the old stuff I've neglected to say.

This up coming week is the week of winter vacation. I get two days to go home and visit everyone I've neglected for the past few months (since August, when I moved way out here). I'm not going to lie. I'm pretty excited. By the way, for any of you WoW fans, Cataclysm came out (I don't play anymore, but even so). Mostly I've just been watching a lot Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I bought the lady's present(s). Do you want to know what it is? Well, she reads, so I can't tell you. Sorry. I'm still reading the Dresden Files books, which is exciting.

This weekend, I think we're going to try to hammer out some last minute Christmas shopping. I want to get some neat stuff for my family. ALSO going to be riding a plane for the first time. I'm going to go with I'm excited, you know rather than terrified.

Trivia night was very cool. Last week, we won second place on the new night of Tuesday (it used to be Thursday). and this week we got first place prize. quite exciting.

Three sessions ago
-I hosted and impromptu game with all of a day's planning (really, that isn't much). The theme was simple. Zombies. I hadn't really pondered out the specifics so I didn't really know how the event was going to be resolved. Turns out the players decided to band together a mystical power of positive magical energy and use it to revitalize the undead forest. Good enough.

Two sessions ago
-The wiry guy with the maps and miniatures hosted the game. We invaded a rather large castle and fought off an undead lord (a lich, if you recognize the term). There were various oogie boogies and traps, but we snuck, fought and outsmarted them all.

Last session
-The broad guy DMed. After some soldiers returned to town to report that they had been attacked by some giant ferocious creature, the adventurers set off to find it, of course. once we arrived, the creature was found, sleeping. We snuck around it to travel into the complex that it was guarding. Various mummies and other abominations lurked inside the compound walls. It turned out that there was (you guessed it) another lich in the compound. Also, a neat bit of story was that the groundskeeper was a cyclops, who was out at the time we invaded, so we just read his diary.

This weeks session
-I'll elaborate after it happens, but I'm going to be DMing and there are a lot of traps and neat stuff like that.

-Turns out that Aussie Jacks' food is actually really good. Ruby Tuesday was packed to the door frames, so we didn't even bother trying it. I wanted to try the run down looking diner, but That didn't seem payday celebration appropriate, somehow.
-I've made a shocking discovery... about beer. Sam Adam's makes damn fine seasonal beer... But, Michelob makes a better one. In the fall it was Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale (M) vs OctoberFest (SA). I preferred Jack's. Now it's Winter Lager (SA) vs Winter Bourbon Cask Ale (M). I preferred Michelob again.
-You'd be damned amazed at how long you can eat soup and chili leftovers out of the freezer. You need to cook every day for a week, then you're set for three. it's like magic. There's something to be said for cooking in bulk. But Make sure you have enough Tupperware, or it all goes to shit.
-Final Food note is that shepherd's pie and lasagna are of the Gods. We made both this week and it was awesome.

Call of Duty
-I always like this category, but I prefer playing the game. I'll keep my focus for a moment. I'm now on my third prestige. If you've forgotten: Prestige is that thing were I get to max level (I've explained this before, read the old blogs) and start over at level one with none of the upgrades you"d bought previously.
-The only thing that does stick around is your emblem. Your emblem is a visual marker that you can make, using various pre-made objects from the bank of shapes. I am changing mine almost constantly. I get bored quickly and enjoy the customization. Right now, it's a pentacle, in honor of the Dresden Files books. Last week, it was a chopper with a ladder going down to a couple of soldiers, and I'm sure it will change again before long.
-Performance-wise, I'd say I've done pretty well this week. Pwnd a lot of noobs. (which means I killed a lot of players who were worse than me). One game I got 60 kills and 7 deaths (which is more than real life would permit,but in a game, it's pretty good). Yesterday, I played two games where the players on the opposite team left (causing the game to end the match in our favor) due to my extreme pwnage of the noobs (also spelled newbs)

-My word to the readers is: Treat others with compassion, for compassion will lead us to unity. Only through unity can we achieve peace with ourselves and with others.
-If someone else said that, I don't know about it.