Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Great Victory

 Making sure that I post with some kind of frequency. Lets begin this time with:

-Let me begin saying "I HAVE DEFEATED THE OVEN!!!". Now to put that into context. When we cook something, the oven smokes. It sets off the detector, and clouds the kitchen. Finally bought some oven cleaner and cleaned that sucker out. it was kinda gross. The oven cleaner makes the dried stuff into a brown sludge.I was surprised at how much there was. but it's gone now (I think) and we can all rest's very exciting.
-Now, on to more environmental matters. The weather  here has been insane. There was a good deal of snow and the kids haven't gone to school (the kids I work with, not my kids, I don't have kids) since Monday... I'm not even really sure they'll go to school tomorrow (Monday). Our driveway is kind of long and up a hill to get out. (by kind of long, I mean about 30 feet) We had to shovel for about five hours to get through all of it over a span of two days, and there were to of us working. I was little more than a knot of pain and suffering. But we finished it and went out to dinner to celebrate. This will be elaborated more later.

-Just finished the eleventh Dresden Files book: Turn Coat. There is one more out right now (Changes, I believe). Then I have to wait until June for the thirteenth book. For anyone who hasn't read my other posts. You should. Beyond that, you should read the Dresden Files. The first book is called Storm Front, and the author is Jim Butcher. It's a fantasy/mystery series about Chicago's only advertised wizard for hire, PI Harry Dresden.
-Reading the Percy Jackson series, which is a fun read. It's not mentally taxing and is obviously intended for people under 15, but I am enjoying it so far. I'm on the third book right now and there are five in the series. They're about a young boy (Percy Jackson) who has been the center of strange occurrences for much of his life. Finally when matters become too dire, he finds himself at a camp full of mythical creatures of the ancient Greek origin as well as Half-Bloods, children of the gods (gods, with a lower case 'g', lets not get metaphysical) themselves.
-What should we call this masked villain? The Green Bee? No! The Green Hornet! I saw the Green Hornet (in 2D, thankfully. This whole 3D craze is stupid, but I digress) with Seth Rogen. It was hilarious. Went with a couple of coworkers and the lady. She even enjoyed, despite expecting to be going purely for my benefit. The action sequences were compelling and the jokes were actually pretty funny. all in all I think you should watch it. There was a preview for Thor, which I'm also excited to see.

-Lets begin with food from other places. (restaurants) Ruby Tuesday, always a hit. I had the New Orleans Seafood, which consisted of a breaded fillet of fish, topped with a few shrimp and a parmesan sauce, which was delicious. I always order the white cheddar mashed potatoes, simply because it's the best side they have. I went with the risotto this time time as my second side, which nicely complimented the parmesan sauce.
-The aforementioned Korean place. This time I had some other kind of spicy beef soup (Koreans eat a lot of soup, from what I can tell). The place consistently has good food, so I enjoy going there and there's a good bit to it, so I feel full.
-This may not quite be FOOD per se, but there is this pub two blocks from my house that sells over 60 brews on tap. If you get your card punched with all of them, they make you a plaque to put on the wall with your name on it. I'm pretty excited. One down....
-home food. Breaded and baked chicken. My main advice for that is to use cereal instead of breadcrumbs. Any not super sweet cereal should do (that means special k or chex, not cocoa puffs.... but maybe.... NO, never mind)
-We found this amazing recipe for tortellini soup and it was better than I expected, seeing as how there wasn't any meat in it. but it was quite tasty.
 -Additionally, there was more of the frozen chili and soup. No one ever asks for the recipes to anything....

-Last night, we encountered the fiend-lord Arkas, in his castle. We had ascended his many traps and puzzles and found ourselves face to face with the man who's actions needed to be accounted for. As we pressed forward past his henchmen and guards, we lost one of our new party members. Their death was retributed for in folds. Also, unfortunately, the rogue was turned into a bunny. There was a significant worry that she would get trampled while a bunny. We finally managed to bludgeon the bastard to death and save the day. Hurray!
-After we defeated the dark figure, we found evidence that there may something of merit in the cellar. As we arrive, we find a giant living robot, imprisoned. He warns us of a proficey and escorts us outside so that we may see proof of what he says. As we emerge from the castle, we can say a large red ball above the horizon, slowly growing in size (getting closer). dun Dun DUN! Until next time for that.

Call of Duty
Two of my friends who I don't get to talk to very much got the new Call of Duty game. I was quite excited, I have now had significantly more conversations with them then I did last week. That's about it, folks. have a good time. =]

Monday, January 24, 2011

Everybody Loves a Comeback

Due to popular demand, I have decided to return to blogging regularly. I had a long break, then my computer stopped working and I've had way too many days off from work due to "snow".

-Ruby Tuesday has some awesome ribs, which I've said before, but still. Additionally, if you go to a Ruby Tuesday, you should try out one of the Pear Lavender Martinis.
-There's is this amazing Korean place near where we live that has amazing kim-chi and bulgogi. Granted, it's no China House, from home. I guess it'll do.
-Home Cooked: The lady made this awesome Chinese lo-mein type food with "San-J Sweet and Tangy Polynesian Glazing & Dipping". It's also really good for fish, as I found out today. Mashed potatoes; my special mashed potatoes (is there really any other kind?). Additionally: Chili. Fortunately for me, She makes the best effing chili ever. mmm... and use tortilla chips instead of a spoon... so good. I'm struggling to think of anything else that I ate because the thoughts of chili are clouding my judgment. COOKIES. Molasses cookies. That's about all of the delicious edibles that my brain can handle thinking before I die of desire to eat more.

-I saw Tangled in theater (IN 2D! I'm so sick of the 3D movement.) It was childish and cute and endearing, everything I want from a Disney movie. Additionally, if you have  DVR or free time and AREN'T watching Monk, you should be. I'd forgotten how funny the show was.
-I'm STILL reading the Dresden Files. They're still good. I'm on book ten now. If you haven't been paying attention, the first book is call Storm Front and it's about Chicago's only resident wizard for hire, Harry Dresden. He super sleuths around, saving the day through a little skill, a little work and a lot of luck... also magic. Lots of magic.

-There are several sessions for me to catch up on.
-We explored a lead to find a lost holy artifact at the bottom of a mile deep quarry and defeated some kind of polymorphing dragon wizard thing who summoned stone elementals to do his bidding, the jerk. We fought all of them and found ourselves allied with some captured monk, who seemed to stick with us so far. After passing THAT trial, we entered what I can only think to refer to as a cathedral, albeit without the influence of The Almighty. In said location was a giant golem who enslaved a fire spirit to power his ... I don't even know, really. But that's what happened.
-Next .... I'm sorry buddy, I can't recall. I tried and I tried, but I can't remember the next session.
-this PAST session was mine. We were residing in the ocean front fortress of Azgar. After some reports of craziness, advice from a witch, and a missing Mayor's daughter, we were on our way. On route, we found a giant spire guarded by a dragon. It housed... you guessed it, the lost daughter. But the day wasn't up. We kept going until we found a bunch of beings working outside of a cave. We began to fight them and then showed up a giant of another realm. One of our genius party members rushed him and set off a trap that transported us to his realm. We fought, we bled, etc.

Call of Duty
-There now that I've gotten all of that crap out of the way, it's time for CoD news. I prestiged again, putting me on my 5th. One particular match that comes to mind was in a mode that I don't really enjoy playing: Capture the Flag. The game type is pretty self explanatory, you run, grab the enemy flag, run back and repeat without dying in the process. One of my "teammates" was friends with the other team and I caught him purposely not shooting at them or hindering them from grabbing our flag. There are two rounds (and a bonus final death round if there's a tie). both rounds the score was 2 - 2 (out of three points to win) but I managed to thwart my conniving team mate, his friends and sink the final point in both rounds.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

An apology is in order

To anyone who actually bothers to check and read this, I'm sorry if I've kept you waiting. With the new call of duty game, I've been quite busy. And by busy I mean I've been pretty much doing that and nothing else. So let me try to recap all the old stuff I've neglected to say.

This up coming week is the week of winter vacation. I get two days to go home and visit everyone I've neglected for the past few months (since August, when I moved way out here). I'm not going to lie. I'm pretty excited. By the way, for any of you WoW fans, Cataclysm came out (I don't play anymore, but even so). Mostly I've just been watching a lot Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I bought the lady's present(s). Do you want to know what it is? Well, she reads, so I can't tell you. Sorry. I'm still reading the Dresden Files books, which is exciting.

This weekend, I think we're going to try to hammer out some last minute Christmas shopping. I want to get some neat stuff for my family. ALSO going to be riding a plane for the first time. I'm going to go with I'm excited, you know rather than terrified.

Trivia night was very cool. Last week, we won second place on the new night of Tuesday (it used to be Thursday). and this week we got first place prize. quite exciting.

Three sessions ago
-I hosted and impromptu game with all of a day's planning (really, that isn't much). The theme was simple. Zombies. I hadn't really pondered out the specifics so I didn't really know how the event was going to be resolved. Turns out the players decided to band together a mystical power of positive magical energy and use it to revitalize the undead forest. Good enough.

Two sessions ago
-The wiry guy with the maps and miniatures hosted the game. We invaded a rather large castle and fought off an undead lord (a lich, if you recognize the term). There were various oogie boogies and traps, but we snuck, fought and outsmarted them all.

Last session
-The broad guy DMed. After some soldiers returned to town to report that they had been attacked by some giant ferocious creature, the adventurers set off to find it, of course. once we arrived, the creature was found, sleeping. We snuck around it to travel into the complex that it was guarding. Various mummies and other abominations lurked inside the compound walls. It turned out that there was (you guessed it) another lich in the compound. Also, a neat bit of story was that the groundskeeper was a cyclops, who was out at the time we invaded, so we just read his diary.

This weeks session
-I'll elaborate after it happens, but I'm going to be DMing and there are a lot of traps and neat stuff like that.

-Turns out that Aussie Jacks' food is actually really good. Ruby Tuesday was packed to the door frames, so we didn't even bother trying it. I wanted to try the run down looking diner, but That didn't seem payday celebration appropriate, somehow.
-I've made a shocking discovery... about beer. Sam Adam's makes damn fine seasonal beer... But, Michelob makes a better one. In the fall it was Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale (M) vs OctoberFest (SA). I preferred Jack's. Now it's Winter Lager (SA) vs Winter Bourbon Cask Ale (M). I preferred Michelob again.
-You'd be damned amazed at how long you can eat soup and chili leftovers out of the freezer. You need to cook every day for a week, then you're set for three. it's like magic. There's something to be said for cooking in bulk. But Make sure you have enough Tupperware, or it all goes to shit.
-Final Food note is that shepherd's pie and lasagna are of the Gods. We made both this week and it was awesome.

Call of Duty
-I always like this category, but I prefer playing the game. I'll keep my focus for a moment. I'm now on my third prestige. If you've forgotten: Prestige is that thing were I get to max level (I've explained this before, read the old blogs) and start over at level one with none of the upgrades you"d bought previously.
-The only thing that does stick around is your emblem. Your emblem is a visual marker that you can make, using various pre-made objects from the bank of shapes. I am changing mine almost constantly. I get bored quickly and enjoy the customization. Right now, it's a pentacle, in honor of the Dresden Files books. Last week, it was a chopper with a ladder going down to a couple of soldiers, and I'm sure it will change again before long.
-Performance-wise, I'd say I've done pretty well this week. Pwnd a lot of noobs. (which means I killed a lot of players who were worse than me). One game I got 60 kills and 7 deaths (which is more than real life would permit,but in a game, it's pretty good). Yesterday, I played two games where the players on the opposite team left (causing the game to end the match in our favor) due to my extreme pwnage of the noobs (also spelled newbs)

-My word to the readers is: Treat others with compassion, for compassion will lead us to unity. Only through unity can we achieve peace with ourselves and with others.
-If someone else said that, I don't know about it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blacker than.... Ops?

Ok. Since I last updated my blog I've done a LOT of playing CoD. So we'll start with that:

Call of Duty: Black Ops
-The newest installation of the Call of Duty series is based around the events of the cold war era. I haven't played the Campaign yet, I've only played Multiplayer. The new perks are new (In CoD you get three perks. One of each of the three tiers) and arranged differently and with different requirements to upgrade them to their "pro" versions. Equipment and grenades are also handled differently. Most of you probably either don't care or already know about the specifics of each of these. I'd say the biggest difference is how you get all of these wonderful things. In previous games, everything was unlocked as per your character level. Now, you get CoD points (money) to purchase all of your guns, attachments, perks, etc. These points can also be used for smaller things like an emblem to state who you are or can even be gambled for (hopefully) more points in a new mode called "Wager Match".
-Now for my personal victories. Over the past 5 days, I've gone through all of the motions, unlocked a bunch of stuff... and prestiged. That thing where I get to max level and start over from level 1? Yea that.
--One remarkable match that I played was , I believe, TDM or maybe domination. I was using the dragonov and and Makarov with perks Ghost``, Hardened, and Gas Mask. Somehow, I managed to stay alive to get all of my Killstreak rewards and then some. I got the chopper gunner (way cool) in a care package and some other goodies. At the end of the match, 26 kills and zero deaths. With an amazing combination of cunning and small arms fire, I wrecked house, in short.
--There's a great new feature where you can save your epic matches to view.... if I had known that before I played so awesome. Oh well. That should cover all the CoD news for now.

-Crazy adventure
--I decided to cross the local river. But using the pre-made bridge would have been silly. So the Lady's walk turned into a hike... kinda. We started up the river bed and found some shallow patches of rock to cross... kinda. The word "cross" may be misleading. Navigate may be closer. We felt like Clark and Pocahontas. I crawled along a downed tree and hauled my but up a hill so that I could hoist her up there with me. That left us on an embankment in the middle of the stream.After some searching, I found a downed tree that spanned most of the breadth of the river. I found a sizable stick for balance while She looked for alternate options. I somehow managed to cross the tree, leaving me about 8 feet from shore. I didn't want to get wet, that would have defeated the purpose of navigating. I looked at my stick and realized the only option. I had to pole vault. After much deliberation and waiting for the lady to join me on the Tree / log. I said my blessings, crossed my fingers and spat on my palms. GO, to my surprise, it worked. I was safely on the other side of the river, without using the local architecture. My finest hour. After some coaching I handed the stick back over to her and she tried her luck. I was sure she was getting soaked, but she made. It wasn't QUITE as graceful as when I did it, but it got the Job done.
-Saw MegaMind. It was good, but didn't need to be in 3D. I hope that fad dies soon.

-This is going to be my last category tonight. I'm tired. Lentil and Sausage Soup was to kill for. Omg. Also, Chili. She thought it was too spicy, but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to taste like that. oh well. Finally, last night was a butternut/vegetable squash with turkey meatballs. It was so good. One of the most delicious things I've ever eaten and for sure top 3 in soups. Too bad no one ever asks what these recipes are. oh well, you can all just suffer. =P
-This week's food highlights were as follows.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Remember remember the 5th, etc

During this past week, the 5th of November occurred. It means little more than a reference to the movie "V for Vendetta". Moving on. Halloween was totally bogus because my house only got one lone family at my door. Jack-o-lantern and light and everything and one family. Do you know how much candy I bought? Ok, only three bags, but it was enough.

-Largely, we ate left-overs. Which are always delicious. however, there was this amazing lentil soup which I can not begin to describe it's splendor in this primitive form of communication. The Lady is quite nice to have around.
-Also, we got paid and thusly went to Ruby Tuesday. I got the Louisianna Seafood or something similar. It was quite good.

-The most important CoD news is that I pre-ordered the new Call of Duty game; Black Ops. Henceforth referred to as CoD Ops. It comes out the 9th of November (Tomorrow as I am writing this). This upcoming week is short do to some holiday or something so I have all day Thursday to play. I'm pretty excited.

-This week's DM was the other guy. He'd gotten some (very nice) maps of Middle Earth and used them as a vague basis for our setting. It was good, but he had to cut the session somewhat short because he was going to the movies. Also, my character started a Trap,Bread,Ale shop.... we'll see how that goes.

I feel kinda bad because I feel like this post is rushed, there just isn't anything THAT exciting. Unless you count my ongoing endeavor to read the Dresden Files. The most badass book series ever. I suggest it to just about everyone.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tell you something good

This is going to be a long one, so if you're short on time come back later
Ok, lets start of with:


-For one, I don't know how I missed a week. I guess it's just been busy this past week and it all bled together. Anyway, I'm going to start presently and move backwards, as to set it up for a credit roll. hrm... that was funnier before I typed it. alas. So Yesterday was a killer. I woke up and did a few chores and a little reading (I will explain what I'm reading later). The second half of the day was dedicated to climbing down a mountain, hiking a riverbed, crawling around in a cave (Which is a lot harder than you'd think) and then reversing the process. After that, I spent about 45 minutes wrestling a coworkers son, and another 30 minutes shooting some clay pigeons. This was all topped off with an hour long hay ride and some bonfire time. All-in-all, a good October 30th was had.

-This week at work was very exhaustive, but I managed to stick very close to my temporary mantra of "No Fussin'" and, honestly, it has made me feel a lot better. So my advice to everyone is to not complain. Your life is either not THAT bad, or it is, and you probably can't do anything to fix it, so you might as well go along for the ride in either case.

-The reading I've been doing is The Dresden Files. A series of 12 books buy Jim Butcher about resident to Chicago and Wizard: Detective Harry Dresden. Throughout the course of the books (I'm on the 3rd one now) He tries to solve some kind of dilemma that is usually plaguing him when the book starts, if not, then very soon after. They are most excellent so far, as I am not much of a reader (unless I can find something to catch my attention) and I would recommend them to everyone. The first book is Storm Front. I am very against spoilers, so I'm not going to go over anything in the book and just encourage you to read it yourself.

-Haunted house! Last weekend, we went to the local haunted house and paid our 5 bucks to get in. The strobe lights were so disorienting I was pretty much to distracted to be scared by any of the surprises lurking behind sheets and covers. The Lady on my arm all night, however is a different story. Every time someone/something would jump out she would shriek and clench my arm. I was pretty sure it was going to fall off. At one point she even threw me at the monster (thanks sweetie). Survival instincts I guess. It was well done and I'm glad I went.

-New desk for my computer. for the past three months my computer desk has consisted of some boxes left over from unpacking on the floor. Leaving me very sore after any prolonged usage of my computer, but I am now happily typing away atop my self-assembled desk, also borrowing one of the dining room chairs, sshhhh.

Call of Duty

I haven't really gotten to play all that much this week, with the work and the reading and the being very very tired. If I had to come up with something, then I would pick when I was playing Domination on Vacant. My team had just captured point 'B', leaving the enemy only 'A', as we already owned 'C'. 'C' is the one in the back with two ways in. I was using a Barret / Spas-12 with Lightweight/Marathon/Sitrep. I was watching one door, the on least guarded and picked off three would-be assailants of my precious 'C' point. I switched to my Spas and ran to the door to find a fourth coming through it. Fortunately, his bad aim was weak against my shotty. "We are losing 'C'!" the computer exclaimed. but that was right behind me. As I turned, I could see some dim-witted terrorist spinning around and idly staring at the ceiling. He must have thought he was pretty slick. I proved him other wise with my knife. As I saved 'C', I noticed that my teammates had somehow let 'B' fall into the grasp of our enemy, resulting in a spawning patter that would leave me surely to die. I dropped my predator missile, but to no avail, as half of the map is inside a building. As the enemy rush the now virtually undefended 'C' point, I fell to the floor and held my grenade. At least they would take it without a fight. As I recall, my team still lost, due to their desire to play TDM instead of domination, but it was still fun.


-So.... many.... cookies. Between bake sales cold and boredom, the house was filled with the smell of treats, nearly the entire week. The ones I feel are most qualified for speaking about are the Lady's Ginger Snaps. I thought I would sure die and go to heaven right there on the spot. She was a little nervous because the recipe called for Molasses, but I told her her honey would do just fine and I was right.... Ok, she knew it would anyway, but still. I did convince her to add a little chili powder to one batch to zest them up a little over the top and she reluctantly agreed. I thought they were delicious, but she said she couldn't notice.

-We finished off the gift card to cracker barrel and got a little candy afterward as well. And this week's meals included Sheppard's Pie and Chicken Parmesan.
-The Sheppard's Pie is pretty easy, the key is to make sure you use the right amount of meat (I generally prefer a bit more than most people: O-blood and all.) and to have kick-ass mashed potatoes (which I do).
-The Chicken Parmesan was all the Lady's doing. I cut the chicken and then let her to it. She used the Kraft special Parmesan and whole wheat noodles and topped it with some more of the home-made sauce we had in the freezer. The end result was delicious, as her food always is.

-The aforementioned co-worker had some amazing chili when we went to her house. I should have taken her up on her offer to take some home, but I was too tired to eat, let alone think about taking some home by the end of the night.


This week's session (well, last week's since there wasn't one due to the Halloween festivities) consisted of hunting down some crazy vampire sorceress in the middle of this giant crazy castle. Before we could get to her, we had to mow down two or three dozen zombies and take down a shadow monster from beyond this realm (which my character got a lucky hit off on doing 90% of it's health, sorry to the DM). A few other minor encounters (not to exclude the Vampiress' ghouls, lower level vampires) and that was pretty much it. He gave us scripts occasionally to include us in the role playing and we called it a night.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Prestigious idiots

First, I'm going to go with CoD. If you don't care, move down past it.

-I prestiged again. Which, if you don't know, means that, even though I've already gotten to the highest level (8 times), I decided to do it again. I start from level one and lose all of my weapon progress.
-Anyway, after I managed to unlock my custom classes, I ran around, somewhat to my surprise, like some kind of superhero. I lit up that battlefield like the Fourth of July. Supply drops were falling all over the place and I got like 4 turrets, yet I still haven't been able to get the final kill with one of said turrets.
-Final note on CoD is that kids are stupid and shouldn't be allowed to play games online. And what bothers me more is when people (kids) think that one broken aspect of a game is ok, but another is not.

-The lady and I ate dinner at Cracker Barrel with a gift card I received for my birthday. It was delicious as always, but I came to a shocking realization... My mashed potatoes are better... The food was good (fried shrimp)
-Sunday night was fish night. The super awesome part was (aside from my mashed potatoes) MAHI MAHI! The fish was covered in a lemon, honey and pepper sauce towards the end of it's cooking, which set off the flavors of the fish very nicely. I'm pretty sure we could have used catfish or salmon.
-As I was spending time with a friend, the lady produced an apple cobbler of delicious proportions.

-Netflix this week was Tales From the Crypt, which is always a hit. and Critters. Another movie from my favorite genre: 80s.
-Is there anyone actually reading this?

-This week was another week of me DMing. During these times, I like to take the oppurtunity to look up new critters and make some subtle (or not so much) jokes, as well as adding a fair difficulty level with a neat concept.
-The fairy tale reference this week was Goldilocks. A Drow (dark elf) druid and three bears (which was a lot harder to come up with than you'd think. I had to make one of them younger and add difficulty to the other two.)
-The Travelers then traveled to a swamp town to await the arrival of the sea fairing ship. During their wait, the town was attacked by frog people. We fought them off and finished waiting for the ship.
-While on the open sea, the ship was attacked by a giant Octopus and three sea trolls. After they dispatched those foes with reasonable ease, I was sure the final encounter of a couple crab people would be no problem. We almost died. It was insane. CRAB PEOPLE.
-Finally, we entered the village to find the Tia' Dalma clone to cure us of our long standing ailments. HUZZAH!