Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blacker than.... Ops?

Ok. Since I last updated my blog I've done a LOT of playing CoD. So we'll start with that:

Call of Duty: Black Ops
-The newest installation of the Call of Duty series is based around the events of the cold war era. I haven't played the Campaign yet, I've only played Multiplayer. The new perks are new (In CoD you get three perks. One of each of the three tiers) and arranged differently and with different requirements to upgrade them to their "pro" versions. Equipment and grenades are also handled differently. Most of you probably either don't care or already know about the specifics of each of these. I'd say the biggest difference is how you get all of these wonderful things. In previous games, everything was unlocked as per your character level. Now, you get CoD points (money) to purchase all of your guns, attachments, perks, etc. These points can also be used for smaller things like an emblem to state who you are or can even be gambled for (hopefully) more points in a new mode called "Wager Match".
-Now for my personal victories. Over the past 5 days, I've gone through all of the motions, unlocked a bunch of stuff... and prestiged. That thing where I get to max level and start over from level 1? Yea that.
--One remarkable match that I played was , I believe, TDM or maybe domination. I was using the dragonov and and Makarov with perks Ghost``, Hardened, and Gas Mask. Somehow, I managed to stay alive to get all of my Killstreak rewards and then some. I got the chopper gunner (way cool) in a care package and some other goodies. At the end of the match, 26 kills and zero deaths. With an amazing combination of cunning and small arms fire, I wrecked house, in short.
--There's a great new feature where you can save your epic matches to view.... if I had known that before I played so awesome. Oh well. That should cover all the CoD news for now.

-Crazy adventure
--I decided to cross the local river. But using the pre-made bridge would have been silly. So the Lady's walk turned into a hike... kinda. We started up the river bed and found some shallow patches of rock to cross... kinda. The word "cross" may be misleading. Navigate may be closer. We felt like Clark and Pocahontas. I crawled along a downed tree and hauled my but up a hill so that I could hoist her up there with me. That left us on an embankment in the middle of the stream.After some searching, I found a downed tree that spanned most of the breadth of the river. I found a sizable stick for balance while She looked for alternate options. I somehow managed to cross the tree, leaving me about 8 feet from shore. I didn't want to get wet, that would have defeated the purpose of navigating. I looked at my stick and realized the only option. I had to pole vault. After much deliberation and waiting for the lady to join me on the Tree / log. I said my blessings, crossed my fingers and spat on my palms. GO, to my surprise, it worked. I was safely on the other side of the river, without using the local architecture. My finest hour. After some coaching I handed the stick back over to her and she tried her luck. I was sure she was getting soaked, but she made. It wasn't QUITE as graceful as when I did it, but it got the Job done.
-Saw MegaMind. It was good, but didn't need to be in 3D. I hope that fad dies soon.

-This is going to be my last category tonight. I'm tired. Lentil and Sausage Soup was to kill for. Omg. Also, Chili. She thought it was too spicy, but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to taste like that. oh well. Finally, last night was a butternut/vegetable squash with turkey meatballs. It was so good. One of the most delicious things I've ever eaten and for sure top 3 in soups. Too bad no one ever asks what these recipes are. oh well, you can all just suffer. =P
-This week's food highlights were as follows.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Remember remember the 5th, etc

During this past week, the 5th of November occurred. It means little more than a reference to the movie "V for Vendetta". Moving on. Halloween was totally bogus because my house only got one lone family at my door. Jack-o-lantern and light and everything and one family. Do you know how much candy I bought? Ok, only three bags, but it was enough.

-Largely, we ate left-overs. Which are always delicious. however, there was this amazing lentil soup which I can not begin to describe it's splendor in this primitive form of communication. The Lady is quite nice to have around.
-Also, we got paid and thusly went to Ruby Tuesday. I got the Louisianna Seafood or something similar. It was quite good.

-The most important CoD news is that I pre-ordered the new Call of Duty game; Black Ops. Henceforth referred to as CoD Ops. It comes out the 9th of November (Tomorrow as I am writing this). This upcoming week is short do to some holiday or something so I have all day Thursday to play. I'm pretty excited.

-This week's DM was the other guy. He'd gotten some (very nice) maps of Middle Earth and used them as a vague basis for our setting. It was good, but he had to cut the session somewhat short because he was going to the movies. Also, my character started a Trap,Bread,Ale shop.... we'll see how that goes.

I feel kinda bad because I feel like this post is rushed, there just isn't anything THAT exciting. Unless you count my ongoing endeavor to read the Dresden Files. The most badass book series ever. I suggest it to just about everyone.