Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pizza and a frightened lady

Brief complaint- I need a new mouse. That's all.

Anyway, This week I played a LOT of Plants vs Zombies, played some CoD, ate my standard meals and chilled.

If you haven't checked out PvZ yet, you should do so. It's cute and fun and has a nice calming little mini game called Zen Garden in which you spend (too much) time watering and nurturing your little plants that you get from playing the bonus modes.

Next is CoD news. I got the extended mags for the Famas (newb gun, but I wanted the titles) and overall I've played pretty solid this past week. There was one, very rude, young kid making racial comments and another man explaining that all people are descended from the original peoples of Africa, not just him. blah blah blah now for food.

The lady and I made our own Pizza, completely from scratch (well not the sauce, maybe next time). there was enough dough for two pizzas, so one was black olive and hamburger and the other (hers) was sauteed broccoli and onion. As for the dough, it was pretty simple: teaspoon of salt, 2 cups of flour, 1 (.25 oz) packet of yeast (prepared with the appropriate amount of water) and 2 tablespoons of oil (olive).
-Prepare yeast and mix with other ingredients until well mixed and stiff. Cover and leave to set for 30-60 minutes. separate in size of pizza desired, top and bake for 20 minutes or until crust is golden brown and cheese is bubbly. Eat and don't burn your mouth.

-Went to the movies on Saturday. We were going to see Legend of the Guardian, but they're only showing it in 3D, which is stupid, so we watched Easy A instead. It was good. Had a nice feel good ending with some wholesome lessons and some inappropriate joke or two.
-Then we watched The Princess and the Frog. Another wholesome movie from Disney. Adorable and all that crap, and the songs were ok-good too. Everyone loves N'orlans (New Orleans), anyway.
-Today I convinced her to watch Cloverfield with me, she spent half the movie snuggled in a cliche 'scary' movie fashion. I guess it was adorable. anyway, the movie: 7/10

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Less CoD more... Other stuff

Ok, so this week my internet has been kinda crappy due to rain of biblical proportions. Due to this, I have struggled to get my CoD time in, check my email, blog, and more...

Anyway, the cool stuff I was talking about:
-I got Plants vs Zombies on the XBox 360. I was super stoked about it. I've been waiting for it to be ported from the PC for over a year. It's super fun and everyone should check it out. It's available for the Xbox 360, PC(personal computer... the thing you're probably on right now) and iPhone/iTouch.
--The story is simple: plant adorable vegetation to fend off the veracious (and equally adorable) zombies from munching on a brain pudding. With awesome puzzles and an extended arcade mode, it's guaranteed a great time. As a special feature only available on the Xbox, you and a friend can team up or head off in CoOp and VS modes.

-A really neat board game (I love board games, and parenthetical explanations)
-+-It's called Red Dragon Inn (there's also a sequel).
-+-You pick a character to play and meet up with your friends at the local mid-evil tavern. You spend your turns either trying to get rid of all the other characters money or make it so that their alcohol level exceeds their fortitude.(no real booze need be involved)
-+-The characters are funny and the drinks are absurd(Troll swill?! YUCK), so it's almost a guaranteed good time for anyone, if you can get past the silly theme.

-A story I found a long time ago and occasionally remember is HARRISON BERGERON by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
--It's about an archaic future in which equality is imposed on everyone. I feel it's a cool little segment and a short read (It's like 2 pages)

-Tricky Trivia! Placed 3rd, got a T-shirt!
--A local Sports Bar has a trivia night every Thursday and if there's a tie, then the teams in question Chug off to determine the winner. (Me)

--I've eaten pretty well this week, got to have some Mongolian Grill, so I was happy about that but as for home made food:
-+-Moroccan stir fry (peanuts, rice, vegees, and some kind of meat... beef I guess)
-+-Tonight I had some awesome Lemon Artichoke Chiken.
===Zucchini, onion, chicken(obviously), as much garlic as you want(I always end up using like an entire head), and artichoke(I use hearts). Cook everything and simmer with a lemon sauce/juice until done. Then top over noodles of your choice and enjoy. Like I've said before, if anyone ever reads this and wants to know more, just ask.

-Now a little CoD
--Aside from the 4 matches I spent struggling with my internet(In which I performed astoundingly, but didn't count due to disconnects) I had a decent week. I leveled up a few times unlocked the extended mags for the vector and called in like 5 more AC 130s. Unfortunately, I don't have any remarkable stories, it was just your average good playing. Have a good night everyone (or however long until I have something else to say).

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just another day... of relaxing before work.

Ok, Sunday. What happened today?

Played some CoD.
ate dinner(I'll go over the dinner after CoD)

Nothing to spectacular. Still working on getting extended mags for the vector. 16/40 FMJ take downs.
I did manage to get 3 AC130s today, that was cool. one was in Free for all: Stage = Vacant

It was pretty sweet. I got my predator missile and looked for cover, dropping someone on the way with my dual FMJ vectors (6 streak), maybe a little excessive. Then I ran in front of some boxes and went prone. Then dropped it on someone outside by the crates (7 streak).
--Harriers! Unfortunately, I'm out of bullets for my vectors. sidearm, magnum. Drop the harriers, but they do nothing. Before I could run around some more a man walks in front of me. 4 rounds did the trick (8 streak),
--reload. Repeat(9streak).
--I'm down to 6 bullets now and someone has heard the commotion. I hear their footsteps as they round the corner, still unsure as to where I'm laying. As they come into my view, I unload the remaining rounds (10 streak).
--As they fall, I see the shimmering steel hope they left for me. an ACR with red dot. He knows where I am, now. I have to make the next shots count. As he comes back to exact his vengeance I watch the doorway he's sure to come through. Every second seems like the perfect opportunity for someone to sneak up behind me and end my all hard work. WAIT, there he is. Squeeze. "AC130 available!" the announcer screams.
--The remainder of the round is spent running around waiting until there are only a few kills left to go, then I call in my mobile artillery in the sky. I fire off the cannon once and 1 to go. But everyone else is inside. I can't see any of them. I don't want to have missed my opportunity.
--But there; someone decided to come looking for me outside, all the excuse I needed. *Clunk* as the 120mm shell leaves the craft. BOOM, confirmed. Good night, charlie.

Now for dinner
The lady made up some perch, baked sweet potatoes(sliced thin), and baked carrots, But me..... FRIED GREEN TOMATOES

I saw the green tomatoes at the farmers market Saturday and knew that soon, I'd have a delicious southern treat. But I'd never done it before. How do you bread things? Egg.... um... cornmeal? There has to be more to it than that I thought. So, to the internet: dry tomatoes. Flour. Coat in egg. Coat in breading as follows:
--cornmeal, breadcrumbs(I used stuffing mix crushed up), pepper, salt, ans spices of choice(chili powder)
Then just butter up the pan and fry, easy as cake. and just as delicious.
The Perch was topped with oregano, spices and a little cheese, and was just as good. Next time, though it's Catfish.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday night Dinner

Also, there will be a CoD recap

Dinner was AWESOME. Roasted broccoli, my special mashed potatoes and steak.

The steak was the specialty. I marinaded it for 24 hours in a sauce I made. Worcestershire sauce(I use Lea & Perrins THICK), cinnamon, chili powder (I use Mexican style, it has more kick) and orange juice. Grill for about 30 minutes, flipping once. (May differ based on the size of the steak) and BAM. Maybe one day I'll run down the mashed potatoes, though it's not that hard to do.

Now for CoD. Killed a bunch of people using my riot shield kit. I've been using blast shield instead of C4 lately, don't know why. and then marathon instead of scavenger. Managed to right off the bat on Storm (I think) get my harrier using the riot shield and usp combo.
-Later days

One last thing, the Vector with the acog is terrible. Vector with the thermal... even worse. Doesn't even work on hardcore. blah.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cold Saturday

Today, after trying to stay in bed until the world recovered from the chilly night, I was unsuccessful. Made french toast for breakfast and used the leftover for a lunch sandwich. Dinner, however, was phenomenal. The lady of the house made her own sauce out of fresh, farmers market, produce and some ground meat from the store. Put it all over fresh pasta and BAM: deliciousness. After running a billion errands today and eating my delicious meal, Finally, it was CoD time.

A couple rounds and I got all the XP I needed to prestige.
 The first round I played as a level 1 soldier. I managed to not only win the round with the standard L86 Machine gun class, but I also leveled up to level 4 in that first round. After I was able to make my own classes I set up one of my favorite classes: riot shield. I got to play the new Carnival level with a bunch of morons... And I'm talking about some real jive turkey suckas. My favorite mode is domination, so as usual, B is the main struggle point. Sucka after Sucka the just ran at my unbreakable plastic shield. When they'd stop to reloadm I'd whip out my pistol and take them down with a few well placed shots.... ok well sprayed shots, close enough. Between semtex, my usp, and commando, I was unstoppable. Even on a map as large as Wasteland, I was able to outsmart the aforementioned Jive Turkey Suckas almost every time.

All in all, today's gaming just reaffirmed what I already knew, the only people who are more stupid than the people on the other team, are your team mates.