Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tell you something good

This is going to be a long one, so if you're short on time come back later
Ok, lets start of with:


-For one, I don't know how I missed a week. I guess it's just been busy this past week and it all bled together. Anyway, I'm going to start presently and move backwards, as to set it up for a credit roll. hrm... that was funnier before I typed it. alas. So Yesterday was a killer. I woke up and did a few chores and a little reading (I will explain what I'm reading later). The second half of the day was dedicated to climbing down a mountain, hiking a riverbed, crawling around in a cave (Which is a lot harder than you'd think) and then reversing the process. After that, I spent about 45 minutes wrestling a coworkers son, and another 30 minutes shooting some clay pigeons. This was all topped off with an hour long hay ride and some bonfire time. All-in-all, a good October 30th was had.

-This week at work was very exhaustive, but I managed to stick very close to my temporary mantra of "No Fussin'" and, honestly, it has made me feel a lot better. So my advice to everyone is to not complain. Your life is either not THAT bad, or it is, and you probably can't do anything to fix it, so you might as well go along for the ride in either case.

-The reading I've been doing is The Dresden Files. A series of 12 books buy Jim Butcher about resident to Chicago and Wizard: Detective Harry Dresden. Throughout the course of the books (I'm on the 3rd one now) He tries to solve some kind of dilemma that is usually plaguing him when the book starts, if not, then very soon after. They are most excellent so far, as I am not much of a reader (unless I can find something to catch my attention) and I would recommend them to everyone. The first book is Storm Front. I am very against spoilers, so I'm not going to go over anything in the book and just encourage you to read it yourself.

-Haunted house! Last weekend, we went to the local haunted house and paid our 5 bucks to get in. The strobe lights were so disorienting I was pretty much to distracted to be scared by any of the surprises lurking behind sheets and covers. The Lady on my arm all night, however is a different story. Every time someone/something would jump out she would shriek and clench my arm. I was pretty sure it was going to fall off. At one point she even threw me at the monster (thanks sweetie). Survival instincts I guess. It was well done and I'm glad I went.

-New desk for my computer. for the past three months my computer desk has consisted of some boxes left over from unpacking on the floor. Leaving me very sore after any prolonged usage of my computer, but I am now happily typing away atop my self-assembled desk, also borrowing one of the dining room chairs, sshhhh.

Call of Duty

I haven't really gotten to play all that much this week, with the work and the reading and the being very very tired. If I had to come up with something, then I would pick when I was playing Domination on Vacant. My team had just captured point 'B', leaving the enemy only 'A', as we already owned 'C'. 'C' is the one in the back with two ways in. I was using a Barret / Spas-12 with Lightweight/Marathon/Sitrep. I was watching one door, the on least guarded and picked off three would-be assailants of my precious 'C' point. I switched to my Spas and ran to the door to find a fourth coming through it. Fortunately, his bad aim was weak against my shotty. "We are losing 'C'!" the computer exclaimed. but that was right behind me. As I turned, I could see some dim-witted terrorist spinning around and idly staring at the ceiling. He must have thought he was pretty slick. I proved him other wise with my knife. As I saved 'C', I noticed that my teammates had somehow let 'B' fall into the grasp of our enemy, resulting in a spawning patter that would leave me surely to die. I dropped my predator missile, but to no avail, as half of the map is inside a building. As the enemy rush the now virtually undefended 'C' point, I fell to the floor and held my grenade. At least they would take it without a fight. As I recall, my team still lost, due to their desire to play TDM instead of domination, but it was still fun.


-So.... many.... cookies. Between bake sales cold and boredom, the house was filled with the smell of treats, nearly the entire week. The ones I feel are most qualified for speaking about are the Lady's Ginger Snaps. I thought I would sure die and go to heaven right there on the spot. She was a little nervous because the recipe called for Molasses, but I told her her honey would do just fine and I was right.... Ok, she knew it would anyway, but still. I did convince her to add a little chili powder to one batch to zest them up a little over the top and she reluctantly agreed. I thought they were delicious, but she said she couldn't notice.

-We finished off the gift card to cracker barrel and got a little candy afterward as well. And this week's meals included Sheppard's Pie and Chicken Parmesan.
-The Sheppard's Pie is pretty easy, the key is to make sure you use the right amount of meat (I generally prefer a bit more than most people: O-blood and all.) and to have kick-ass mashed potatoes (which I do).
-The Chicken Parmesan was all the Lady's doing. I cut the chicken and then let her to it. She used the Kraft special Parmesan and whole wheat noodles and topped it with some more of the home-made sauce we had in the freezer. The end result was delicious, as her food always is.

-The aforementioned co-worker had some amazing chili when we went to her house. I should have taken her up on her offer to take some home, but I was too tired to eat, let alone think about taking some home by the end of the night.


This week's session (well, last week's since there wasn't one due to the Halloween festivities) consisted of hunting down some crazy vampire sorceress in the middle of this giant crazy castle. Before we could get to her, we had to mow down two or three dozen zombies and take down a shadow monster from beyond this realm (which my character got a lucky hit off on doing 90% of it's health, sorry to the DM). A few other minor encounters (not to exclude the Vampiress' ghouls, lower level vampires) and that was pretty much it. He gave us scripts occasionally to include us in the role playing and we called it a night.


  1. oooh the ginger snaps sound delicious and it was very chivalrous of you to sacrifice your arm to the Lady's comfort.

  2. I'm just awesome like that, a dragon in shining armor... or something like that.
