Monday, October 18, 2010

Prestigious idiots

First, I'm going to go with CoD. If you don't care, move down past it.

-I prestiged again. Which, if you don't know, means that, even though I've already gotten to the highest level (8 times), I decided to do it again. I start from level one and lose all of my weapon progress.
-Anyway, after I managed to unlock my custom classes, I ran around, somewhat to my surprise, like some kind of superhero. I lit up that battlefield like the Fourth of July. Supply drops were falling all over the place and I got like 4 turrets, yet I still haven't been able to get the final kill with one of said turrets.
-Final note on CoD is that kids are stupid and shouldn't be allowed to play games online. And what bothers me more is when people (kids) think that one broken aspect of a game is ok, but another is not.

-The lady and I ate dinner at Cracker Barrel with a gift card I received for my birthday. It was delicious as always, but I came to a shocking realization... My mashed potatoes are better... The food was good (fried shrimp)
-Sunday night was fish night. The super awesome part was (aside from my mashed potatoes) MAHI MAHI! The fish was covered in a lemon, honey and pepper sauce towards the end of it's cooking, which set off the flavors of the fish very nicely. I'm pretty sure we could have used catfish or salmon.
-As I was spending time with a friend, the lady produced an apple cobbler of delicious proportions.

-Netflix this week was Tales From the Crypt, which is always a hit. and Critters. Another movie from my favorite genre: 80s.
-Is there anyone actually reading this?

-This week was another week of me DMing. During these times, I like to take the oppurtunity to look up new critters and make some subtle (or not so much) jokes, as well as adding a fair difficulty level with a neat concept.
-The fairy tale reference this week was Goldilocks. A Drow (dark elf) druid and three bears (which was a lot harder to come up with than you'd think. I had to make one of them younger and add difficulty to the other two.)
-The Travelers then traveled to a swamp town to await the arrival of the sea fairing ship. During their wait, the town was attacked by frog people. We fought them off and finished waiting for the ship.
-While on the open sea, the ship was attacked by a giant Octopus and three sea trolls. After they dispatched those foes with reasonable ease, I was sure the final encounter of a couple crab people would be no problem. We almost died. It was insane. CRAB PEOPLE.
-Finally, we entered the village to find the Tia' Dalma clone to cure us of our long standing ailments. HUZZAH!


  1. The lemon artichoke chicken sounds really yummy. But what is "lemon sauce" do you mean lemon juice?

  2. Isn't it exciting getting all of those comments? And such a let down when you see they are all from the same person.
