Monday, October 4, 2010

CoD and Something Fishy

Tonight's brief story is about the CoD I played and the dinner I ate, in reverse order.

-There were some nice cuts of salmon on sale at the store, so we bought them, and I requested a pasta salad as the side. If you remember one of my earlier posts, there was some agave glazed catfish action. Well, this was agave glazed salmon. I spiced up the glaze a bit. I added a healthy bit of ginger and added Worcestershire Sauce, one of my favorite toppings/seasonings/condiments. Bake for a while and delicious.
-The pasta salad had a balsamic vinaigrette reduction with garlic, orange peppers, tomatoes, and zucchini with some Parmesan and scallions. Oh, obviously pasta as well (not elbow macaroni, that crap is gross).

-I was playing domination on Storm, trying to get some FMJ kills with my Wa2000, which you should know is impossible, but I managed to get 10 in one life during that match. Got a 17 streak. It was like they were lining up for me to get them behind some surface. Not very exciting for anyone other than me, but I enjoyed it.
-a more exciting note was a riot shield note. I was playing domination. At the end of the match, my measly 6 kills had more points (due to captures) than the 27 and 28 kill players. I was rivaled only by the guy who got a nuke.

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