Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mandatory post

I feel like this post is going to be kinda lame, but there is going to be a new category. =] But I need to make sure I post at least weekly to not fall out of the habit.

-I'll start off with CoD today.
There was one shining moment, well... One shining result after a few dull matches.
Somehow, six buddies from one clan got into one Free For All Match. Between the six of them, they were trying to Boost (If you don't know what that means, then comment and I'll explain it). The first match I played, I knew it would be rough, but I'm not a quitter, especially when there are boosters to stop.
I got wrecked.
But every match, I got a little more aware of their play-style. But in the fourth match, I placed. In the fifth, I was using the FAL with Scavenger, Stopping Power, and Steady Aim. I managed to thwart all of their boosting attempts get a few Kill Streaks and defiantly managed to get the last take-down. Game winning Cam and everything. When the round was over and we were sitting at the lobby screen, one by one, then left the room I had been fighting them in.
They got wrecked.

-Ok Food
Nothing to flip out over, but to sum up: Mashed Potatoes and a Giant steak (Nom Nom Nom). And The lady made even MORE pasta sauce. It was delicious, as always. Now, we have enough sauce to feed an army... with sauce. One note worth remarking on is Ruby Tuesday's. We ordered a fish dinner and I got a chicken tender dinner (I love chicken tenders). The lady's dinner came back under-cooked. SO... It was free! And she got a new one to take home. We each also got milkshakes! ok, that's enough use of exclamation points.

There is no other news to report, except that there is a new category. It is listed below.

Pathfinder is a role playing game. It's actually a spin-off of D&D. I'm going to start breaking down the story and events.
Previously, the three party members ( a rogue, a barbarian, and a Troll Fighter (A fighter who is a troll) Entered the town of [Esra] and met an enchanter, some people call him Tim. He sent us to this bizarre little town full of nothing and deadness, leading us to some dead-end clue about some sorcerer trying to become a Demon or something. One of the other members and I switch off running the game, and this week was mine.

I planned out a dungeon that played off of the rogues lock picking ability and the other two characters strength and acrobatics. I had them cross a bridge with a Troll underneath of it. and passed through some scary woods with creepy undead thingies. Followed up with two gargoyles at the castle entrance. Then end boss was a Medusa with 2 Animated statues as guards.
One funny note, I decided to put a mimic inside of a Gelatinous Cube. Good times are had by all blah blah blah.

Good night world

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