Sunday, September 19, 2010

Less CoD more... Other stuff

Ok, so this week my internet has been kinda crappy due to rain of biblical proportions. Due to this, I have struggled to get my CoD time in, check my email, blog, and more...

Anyway, the cool stuff I was talking about:
-I got Plants vs Zombies on the XBox 360. I was super stoked about it. I've been waiting for it to be ported from the PC for over a year. It's super fun and everyone should check it out. It's available for the Xbox 360, PC(personal computer... the thing you're probably on right now) and iPhone/iTouch.
--The story is simple: plant adorable vegetation to fend off the veracious (and equally adorable) zombies from munching on a brain pudding. With awesome puzzles and an extended arcade mode, it's guaranteed a great time. As a special feature only available on the Xbox, you and a friend can team up or head off in CoOp and VS modes.

-A really neat board game (I love board games, and parenthetical explanations)
-+-It's called Red Dragon Inn (there's also a sequel).
-+-You pick a character to play and meet up with your friends at the local mid-evil tavern. You spend your turns either trying to get rid of all the other characters money or make it so that their alcohol level exceeds their fortitude.(no real booze need be involved)
-+-The characters are funny and the drinks are absurd(Troll swill?! YUCK), so it's almost a guaranteed good time for anyone, if you can get past the silly theme.

-A story I found a long time ago and occasionally remember is HARRISON BERGERON by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
--It's about an archaic future in which equality is imposed on everyone. I feel it's a cool little segment and a short read (It's like 2 pages)

-Tricky Trivia! Placed 3rd, got a T-shirt!
--A local Sports Bar has a trivia night every Thursday and if there's a tie, then the teams in question Chug off to determine the winner. (Me)

--I've eaten pretty well this week, got to have some Mongolian Grill, so I was happy about that but as for home made food:
-+-Moroccan stir fry (peanuts, rice, vegees, and some kind of meat... beef I guess)
-+-Tonight I had some awesome Lemon Artichoke Chiken.
===Zucchini, onion, chicken(obviously), as much garlic as you want(I always end up using like an entire head), and artichoke(I use hearts). Cook everything and simmer with a lemon sauce/juice until done. Then top over noodles of your choice and enjoy. Like I've said before, if anyone ever reads this and wants to know more, just ask.

-Now a little CoD
--Aside from the 4 matches I spent struggling with my internet(In which I performed astoundingly, but didn't count due to disconnects) I had a decent week. I leveled up a few times unlocked the extended mags for the vector and called in like 5 more AC 130s. Unfortunately, I don't have any remarkable stories, it was just your average good playing. Have a good night everyone (or however long until I have something else to say).


  1. Hey, this is Chris. I read up on your blog. You guys seem to be eating some really delicious food. Also I need to play Plants Vs. Zombies at some point. Hope you and Bess are enjoying life! Tell her I said hi too!

  2. Hey It's Krystal. I totally didn't know you have Xbox. If you get around to add me, lunacerdiwan, or don''s your call.
