Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cold Saturday

Today, after trying to stay in bed until the world recovered from the chilly night, I was unsuccessful. Made french toast for breakfast and used the leftover for a lunch sandwich. Dinner, however, was phenomenal. The lady of the house made her own sauce out of fresh, farmers market, produce and some ground meat from the store. Put it all over fresh pasta and BAM: deliciousness. After running a billion errands today and eating my delicious meal, Finally, it was CoD time.

A couple rounds and I got all the XP I needed to prestige.
 The first round I played as a level 1 soldier. I managed to not only win the round with the standard L86 Machine gun class, but I also leveled up to level 4 in that first round. After I was able to make my own classes I set up one of my favorite classes: riot shield. I got to play the new Carnival level with a bunch of morons... And I'm talking about some real jive turkey suckas. My favorite mode is domination, so as usual, B is the main struggle point. Sucka after Sucka the just ran at my unbreakable plastic shield. When they'd stop to reloadm I'd whip out my pistol and take them down with a few well placed shots.... ok well sprayed shots, close enough. Between semtex, my usp, and commando, I was unstoppable. Even on a map as large as Wasteland, I was able to outsmart the aforementioned Jive Turkey Suckas almost every time.

All in all, today's gaming just reaffirmed what I already knew, the only people who are more stupid than the people on the other team, are your team mates.

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