Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pizza and a frightened lady

Brief complaint- I need a new mouse. That's all.

Anyway, This week I played a LOT of Plants vs Zombies, played some CoD, ate my standard meals and chilled.

If you haven't checked out PvZ yet, you should do so. It's cute and fun and has a nice calming little mini game called Zen Garden in which you spend (too much) time watering and nurturing your little plants that you get from playing the bonus modes.

Next is CoD news. I got the extended mags for the Famas (newb gun, but I wanted the titles) and overall I've played pretty solid this past week. There was one, very rude, young kid making racial comments and another man explaining that all people are descended from the original peoples of Africa, not just him. blah blah blah now for food.

The lady and I made our own Pizza, completely from scratch (well not the sauce, maybe next time). there was enough dough for two pizzas, so one was black olive and hamburger and the other (hers) was sauteed broccoli and onion. As for the dough, it was pretty simple: teaspoon of salt, 2 cups of flour, 1 (.25 oz) packet of yeast (prepared with the appropriate amount of water) and 2 tablespoons of oil (olive).
-Prepare yeast and mix with other ingredients until well mixed and stiff. Cover and leave to set for 30-60 minutes. separate in size of pizza desired, top and bake for 20 minutes or until crust is golden brown and cheese is bubbly. Eat and don't burn your mouth.

-Went to the movies on Saturday. We were going to see Legend of the Guardian, but they're only showing it in 3D, which is stupid, so we watched Easy A instead. It was good. Had a nice feel good ending with some wholesome lessons and some inappropriate joke or two.
-Then we watched The Princess and the Frog. Another wholesome movie from Disney. Adorable and all that crap, and the songs were ok-good too. Everyone loves N'orlans (New Orleans), anyway.
-Today I convinced her to watch Cloverfield with me, she spent half the movie snuggled in a cliche 'scary' movie fashion. I guess it was adorable. anyway, the movie: 7/10

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