Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just another day... of relaxing before work.

Ok, Sunday. What happened today?

Played some CoD.
ate dinner(I'll go over the dinner after CoD)

Nothing to spectacular. Still working on getting extended mags for the vector. 16/40 FMJ take downs.
I did manage to get 3 AC130s today, that was cool. one was in Free for all: Stage = Vacant

It was pretty sweet. I got my predator missile and looked for cover, dropping someone on the way with my dual FMJ vectors (6 streak), maybe a little excessive. Then I ran in front of some boxes and went prone. Then dropped it on someone outside by the crates (7 streak).
--Harriers! Unfortunately, I'm out of bullets for my vectors. sidearm, magnum. Drop the harriers, but they do nothing. Before I could run around some more a man walks in front of me. 4 rounds did the trick (8 streak),
--reload. Repeat(9streak).
--I'm down to 6 bullets now and someone has heard the commotion. I hear their footsteps as they round the corner, still unsure as to where I'm laying. As they come into my view, I unload the remaining rounds (10 streak).
--As they fall, I see the shimmering steel hope they left for me. an ACR with red dot. He knows where I am, now. I have to make the next shots count. As he comes back to exact his vengeance I watch the doorway he's sure to come through. Every second seems like the perfect opportunity for someone to sneak up behind me and end my all hard work. WAIT, there he is. Squeeze. "AC130 available!" the announcer screams.
--The remainder of the round is spent running around waiting until there are only a few kills left to go, then I call in my mobile artillery in the sky. I fire off the cannon once and 1 to go. But everyone else is inside. I can't see any of them. I don't want to have missed my opportunity.
--But there; someone decided to come looking for me outside, all the excuse I needed. *Clunk* as the 120mm shell leaves the craft. BOOM, confirmed. Good night, charlie.

Now for dinner
The lady made up some perch, baked sweet potatoes(sliced thin), and baked carrots, But me..... FRIED GREEN TOMATOES

I saw the green tomatoes at the farmers market Saturday and knew that soon, I'd have a delicious southern treat. But I'd never done it before. How do you bread things? Egg.... um... cornmeal? There has to be more to it than that I thought. So, to the internet: dry tomatoes. Flour. Coat in egg. Coat in breading as follows:
--cornmeal, breadcrumbs(I used stuffing mix crushed up), pepper, salt, ans spices of choice(chili powder)
Then just butter up the pan and fry, easy as cake. and just as delicious.
The Perch was topped with oregano, spices and a little cheese, and was just as good. Next time, though it's Catfish.

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